
Author Interview: Jessica Therrien

Jessica Therrien I had the pleasure of interviewing debut author, Jessica Therrien, this week.  Her novel that just hit shelves last month is called Oppression and is the first in her series Children of the Gods.  To read more about Jessica visit her blog!  Or to read my 5 star review of her book click here.

I want to thank Jessica for taking the time to do this interview.  She has been busy with her blog tour for Oppression and events like WonderCon and still found the time to visit my blog!  Let's get started.

Do you have a favorite part or quote from your book Oppression?

For some reason, this is always the passage that stands out for me. I think it’s because I was actually in a car accident like this one…
It was two o’clock in the afternoon, but the day was dim. The sun had been swallowed up by the all-consuming white. I was gazing out the back window as it happened, trying to judge the visibility through the whiteout. I couldn’t see far, just beyond the edge of the fence that ran alongside the road.
“Richard, slow down!” my mother shouted. The words triggered the incident like she had seen it coming. The car drifted into the next lane, and I felt the loss of control as the paved road became slick ice. My body stiffened in response to the awkward gliding sensation, and I braced myself for the impact. Every second of the slow motion tumble seemed an eternity as I prepared for the last moments of life. I clung to those seconds, taking in the final images that my eyes would see, and listening for the closing lines that would mark the end.
My mother’s panicked voice rang out in the hollow silence of the cab with a sort of knowing uncertainty just before we hit.
It had been thirty-nine years since the accident, and still these photos stirred up the last memory I had of them. I stared down at the faded pictures, the delicate paper worn on the edges. I would never forget. The last words of my parents, the flickering image of a deep red that stained the snow like an open wound on the skin of the earth, and the crumpled Cadillac flipped over in the bank.

Some of your characters have special abilities.  For example, one character has healing powers.   If you had a special ability what would it be?

I would love the ability to cool would that be?!

In your book William asks, “If you could sum up your whole life into a single flavor, what would it be?  What do you think your life would taste like?”  What would your answer be if he asked you?

My answer is going to sound weird unless you know me. I LOVE lemons with salt…so much that it’s actually a problem. I need to stop eating them! Oddly enough it fits perfectly. A little sour, but with enough salt (love), it’s the best thing ever.

What book(s) have most influenced your life?

Harry Potter was very influential. I used to think I hated reading. I’d pick up my mom’s books and wonder why I couldn’t get through them. Turns out she loves to read depressing books…
When I read Harry Potter, I realized I actually LOVED to read, I just hadn’t found my genre. It opened up a whole new world to me. I love anything paranormal or fantasy related.
My most recent favorites are Blood Red Road and Divergent J They really inspire me.

What character (in any book) is you most like?

I’m definitely most like Elyse in Oppression. I sort of modeled her after myself. I know I probably shouldn’t have done that, but Oppression was my first novel, and it was hard not to give a large part of myself to the main character. Other than my own book, I’d say I’m a lot like Hermione…I was a bit of an over-achiever in high school.

What book(s) are you currently reading?

Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

Do you have any advice on how to overcome writers block?

Read. Good books make me want to write good stories.

For aspiring authors: Any advice on how to get published?

Go to a writers’ conference. That is how I got discovered. Plus, you’ll meet really great writer people.

When can we expect the next book in your series to be released?

Book 2 will be out sometime next year.

Thanks for a great interview J

Want to read this book?  Visit Barnes&Noble or Amazon!  Only $.99 right now so don't wait.