
Teaser Tuesday #7/Top Ten Tuesday#14

Miz B. from Should Be Reading

Each week bloggers share a few lines of the book they are currently reading.  No Spoilers please!

This weekend I took a 4 hr trip to NY and read Sweet Evil the entire time.  It made the time fly by it was such a good book.

"What do you want from me Kai?"

"For Starters?" His voice lowered to sexy, dangerous depths.  "I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body."

A powerful shiver ripped through me.

-Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins

I'll be posting a review later in the week.


Brokeandbookish provides a topic each week and bloggers list their top ten within that category.

Top Ten Older Books I Don't Want People to Forget About:
(I'm only doing 5 this week)

1. Sloppy Firsts- I could read this series 100 times and never get bored of it.  The humor always has me laughing out loud.  I wasn't blogging when this book came out so I never really got a chance to talk about it with anyone.

2. Can You Keep a Secret- I really want to reread this book.  It was so silly and fun.  I remember reading it a million times before I discovered blogging and new books lol.

3. Leaving Paradise- I read this series in a day.  I hope everyone reads Simone Elekes sometime in their life.  She's amazing.

4. The Other Boy- Really anything by Hailey Abbott is great.  I don't ever hear anyone talk about her books and I always thought they were great when I was younger.

5. Lock and Key- This is one of my favorite books by Sarah Dessen.  It came out a few years ago, but I've already read it many times.  I love that her books don't have to focus on romance and they can still be so powerful.


While you're here don't forget to check out 
my first ever event!