
The Carrie Diaries Read Along

Welcome to Queen Ella Bee Reads and Harley Bear Book Blog's first ever read-along!

How did this all come about, you might ask? Well, both of us were talking about the new Carrie Diaries show on Twitter the other day. We quickly discovered that we both wanted to read the book since the show's pretty cute. As such, we decided to do a read-along. 

Here's the sitch:

- The Carrie Diaries Read-along begins at Monday, February 4th, 2013, 12:00am EST and ends on February 12th, 2013, 12:00am EST. The goal is to read 5 chapters a day. At the end of each day, updates will go up on our blogs. But here's the tricky bit: we're taking turns with posting our daily mini updates. Meaning, on day one, the update will apear on Harley Bear Book Blog, on day two, the update will appear on Queen Ella Bee Reads and so on and so forth. At the end of it all, we'll both we posting reviews on our blog AND we'll be doing a guest post on Story Crush (!!!!)

- You don't have to be a blogger to join us, but IF you are, you should do some kind of post for the read-along and link up. If you aren't a blogger, just leave some comment love so we know you're reading with us! Sharing is caring, you know.

- WHY should you draft a post to tack onto the linky, you ask? Because at the end of it all, there will be a GIVEAWAY! Anyone can enter, but if you link up you'll be able to enter for MORE chances to win a book that's been turned into a TV show of your choice (ex: The Carrie Diaries, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, etc.). 

- The linky closes down on February 12th, 2013, 12:00am EST so make sure to link up before that.

- If you make up your own post for this readalong, whether in a kick off post, update post or review-of-the-book post, feel free to grab the button from the top of the page, just make sure to link back to Harley Bear Book Blog (the artist in residence). Also feel free to use the little blurb a above but please, please, PLEASE make sure to link back to both of our blogs/give credit. There's a lot of plagiarism going around. Don't be apart of it.

So if you think The Carrie Diaries TV show is AH-freaking-dorable and have been meaning to dig into the book, we'd love for you to come read with us!

Happy Reading!
Gaby and Melissa

Examples of books you could win!
(Yes that's right...Delirium is gonna be a tv show!!)

WINNER: Entry# 5 Judith @paperiot

a Rafflecopter giveaway