
Harley's Hall of Bookish Fame #1: Antie Spinelli Reads

Jessi from Antie Spinelli Reads!

Everyone, I'd like to introduce my twitter friend and fellow blogger Jessi!  She's really awesome so you should definitely check out her blog!

Hi Jessi!  Thanks for stopping by today to kick off my new feature!

Hi Melissa! *waves* I'm so excited to be on your blog!

I always love hearing how people got into blogging.  What made you start Auntie Spinelli Reads?
I have the memory of an 80 year old. Seriously. So I had been contemplating a way to write down my thoughts on the books I read - I actually started with Word docs because the concept of blogging was completely foreign to me. Then one day I was searching for a picture of a book, and I saw this really awesome picture of a pile of books THAT HADN'T EVEN COME OUT YET (ARCs were a foreign concept as well). I clicked on the link, was taken to Makeshift Bookmark, and the rest is history!

That's a unique name.  How did you come up with the title for your blog?
Haha. Well, my nickname is Geo. Which is short for Geobob Spinelli. (DON'T ASK.) In high school a friend of mine used to jokingly call me Auntie Spinelli. Thus, Auntie Spinelli Reads! Not very creative, I'm afraid. :p

I bet no one else has that name though!  Are you doing any reading challenges/read-a-thons this year?
Yep! I'm participating in a total of seven 2013 challenges: The Paranormal Reading Challenge (hosted by myself along with Megan Likes Books), Sequel Challenge (hosted by moi), SophomoreDACSARCDystopia, and Audio. I also do monthly challenges andRandom Reads.

Wow you're busy this year!  How else has blogging enhanced your reading experience?
Well...I'm definitely a lot more critical than I used to be. I tend to look for flaws, reasons why I'm not enjoying a book, rather than just thinking, 'Meh, it's ok but not that great.' And then I get to share my sarcastic ranty feelings.

On the opposite end of that scale, if I absolutely LOVE a book and want to rave about it, I actually can! And people listen! *is baffled*

Not to mention I'm able to access bookish news like I never could before. And being in the bookish community introduces me to books I probably never would have seen otherwise!

Speaking of the bookish community...which bloggers do you talk to most?
The main one is Hannah (aka Inky) from Book Haven. Her and I talk basically every day! She's my adopted lil bloggy sista! My day is not complete until I get a dose of her crazy silly self. Closely following are Annabelle @ Sparkles & Lightning and Trayche @ILoveTeenBooks. Love them!
Others I talk to frequently are: Nikki @ Fiction Freak, Eileen @ Singing & Reading in the Rain, and Millie @ Millie D's Words. And of course, I talk to YOU from time to time :)
I hope I'm not leaving anybody out! I talk to a lot of bloggy people, but the ones listed are the most frequent.

What is your favorite post you've ever done?
Oh gosh! Probably my End of 2012 Survey. It was fun to do and I covered everything bookish/blogging from 2012.

I'm obsessed with TV...What TV shows do you watch?
Once Upon a Time is the only show I watch. I love it so much! Other than that I haven't been able to commit to any shows.

Oooo I hear that's a good show!  What is your current favorite book cover?
Stormdancer! It's SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL. (And my favorite color is red)

Those are beautiful covers.  What books have you DNFed (Did not finish)
Quite a few. Origin, Grave Mercy, The Faerie Ring, A Beautiful Dark, Monument 14...there's about 11 of them I think. If I'm struggling with a book, I don't bother forcing myself to finish anymore. Too many other books to read!

If you could pick any career what would it be?
An Orca trainer! Totally weird and random, I know. But they're such majestic creatures!

That would be such a fun job!  And finally...What's one random fact about you that we don't know?
I went SKYDIVING for my 21st birthday! It was by far the greatest experience of my life. I actually thought about being a skydive instructor :)

*bows down* I could never do that. I'm jealous of your courage! 

Dog ear or bookmark?

BOOKMARK. I despise dog eared pages!! *shudders*
Summer or winter?
Summer! I hate the cold so much, living in Ohio is terrible! I'd be perfectly fine with only seeing snow every 10 years.

Series or stand alone?
Stand alone. I have serious commitment issues and series scare me! The only series I've ever read past 3 or 4 books were the Fever series and Highlander series by Karen Marie Moning (my favorite author) and the Mortal Instruments series. No joke, those are the only ones. (Hence why I started the sequel challenge!)

Football or baseball?
Football for sure! I hate baseball, and I'm kind of obsessed with football. 

Ocean or pool?
Ocean. Always, always ocean. 

Thanks so much for the fun interview!! <3

Thank you for stopping by today and sharing!


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