
{Review} Belonging by Karen Ann Hopkins

Number of Pgs.: 408 
Publication date: April 30, 2013
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Genre: YA, Contemporary, Romance
How I got the copy: Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Rating:  5 Stars
From Goodreads:

I left everything I knew behind. 

But it was worth it. He was worth it. 

No one thought an ordinary girl like me would last two minutes living with the Amish, not even me. There are a lot more rules and a lot less freedom, and I miss my family and the life I once had. Worst of all, Noah and I aren't even allowed to see each other. Not until I've proven myself. 

If I can find a way to make it work, we'll be NOAH & ROSE 

together forever. 

But not everybody believes this is where I belong.
Plot: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Setting: 9/10
Pacing: 7/10
Style: 8/10
Cover:  I love the colors and of course Noah, but Rose never wore anything like that.  She always had her hair up and a frumpy dress on.  But this pretty outfit probably helps sell books I guess.
40+50=86 (5 Stars)

      This was such an interesting read because it takes a look at the Amish lifestyle from the modern day through modern eyes.  I thought the world building was done beautifully.  I didn't feel like I was getting a history lesson, yet I was learning about another culture with every page I read.  So many YA books show the characters madly in love after only knowing each other for a few weeks.  This series was no exception.  Noah and Rose fall for each other so fast in book one, but I liked that their relationship grew in this book even with limited time they had together.  And their time apart showed that they really couldn't live with out each other.  It made me wonder.  Do we have a soul mate?  Just one person for us.

    Rose is so strong and stubborn, yet she's also really immature still.  Noah is adorable.  He's so kind and gentle, but at the same time he's a hypocrite which annoyed me.  He'd tell Rose she  had to behave so she didn't get shunned, but then he'd go and get them in trouble somehow because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.  Very frustrating.  Their love was electrifying though.  It was so steamy for a YA!  I loved Suzanna, Miranda, and Summer too.  They were such fun characters in such a calm/boring setting.  I liked that we got to see Sam's POV in this one also.  It definitely enhanced the story to get an outside perspective and helped us learn more about Summer and Hunter. 

     Finally, I loved the last few chapters.  I didn't see that twist coming and the last sentence of the book literally had my jaw hitting the floor.  I need book three asap.  I need to know how Rose and Noah's story ends.  

"His mouth left my skin, and he pressed his ear against my heart.  His breathing was hard and hot.  I could feel the heat from his entire body penetrating the thick polyester dress.  A dress that I really wished I wasn't wearing at all." -Belonging
4 Stars