JK...sorta |
I can read in a park,
I can read after dark,
I can read at a fair,
6. I rearrange my bookshelves often for no reason. Right now they are color coded/rainbow.
7. I don't talk about my blog with my IRL friends really. They're unaware of my hoarding tendencies/book obsession.
8. Boys who read books are instantly cuter.
9. Like Rory Gilmore taught me at a young age: Always carry a book in your purse at all times!
10. I wish I could read more classics, but too many good YA books keep being released I don't have time.
11. I'm a sucker for a readathon. But sometimes when I sign up for one I end up in a reading slump and not reading that week =X
12. I hate reading ebooks, yet I read faster when I read an ebook.
13. I get into genre grooves. One month I'll be obsessed with Contemp (like this summer) and then next I'll only read dystopian.
14. My favorite place to read is at the park a few minutes from my house.
15. When I flag my books with post its they have to be all the same color or my OCD mind is not happy.