- I'm never satisfied with my blog layout. I always feel like trying new html codes or moving stuff around.
- I have a binder to keep me organized which includes: a calendar, notes printed from my phone app (from while I was reading), my tbr list, and ideas for posts.
- At some point I ended up with 50+ unread books on my shelf and decided to read all those before I took on any tours or self pub books.
- I feel like I have to publish my posts at midnight. For some reason it bothers me if they go live mid-day.
- Confession: I'm starting to like BookTubing more than blogging =O I know blasphemy!
- I get very behind on writing reviews. I currently have about 10 books I've read and took notes on, but have not reviewed.
- I plan out my month in blogging, but then don't follow it often.
What are your blogging quirks?
Any of them the same as mine?