
Classics Retold Project: Pride And Prejudice

     Remember that time I signed up for a classics challenge that's starting in September?  Ya me neither. For once I'm glad I'm ridiculously OCD and have a blog calendar because I almost forgot that I was doing this event next month!

     But now I'm getting excited...again.  For this project I will be reading and viewing as many adaptations of the classic I chose which is:

Let's be serious.  Did you think I'd pick anything else?

     If you follow me on twitter you probably see me mention every time this movie is playing on TV.  No matter what I'm doing I have to stop and watch it.  And while I was in Walmart recently I spotted it for $5 and bought it!  This is definitely my all time favorite classic EVER.

     Here are the choices of spin offs/adaptations that I will be reading:


and besides the Kierra Knightly movie I will also watch:

This vlog series is a modern day P&P adaptation!

I plan on doing some fun posts like a Passion for Bookish Fashion post where I create an outfit from the original book and from the modern spin off.  Maybe even a chart on how the spin offs are similar and different to the original.  I need help coming up with ideas for posts!

If you have any suggestions on adaptations I should read or watch or post ideas let me know in the comments!