
Dewey's 24 hr Readathon Goals and Updates

The last time I stayed up 24 hrs was probably Relay For Life a few years ago.  And by hr 24 I was not a fun person to be around.  So I haven't decided if I want to do the full readathon.
 But what matters is that I'm taking part in the Dewey Readathon at all!
I knew I'd need lots of caffeine and snacks to keep me awake so I made a video to show everyone what I plan to read and eat today!
2pm: halfway through Asylum by Madeleine Roux and it's pretty good so far.  It's Pretty Little Liars meets Shutter Island.  That's the only way I can describe it.

7pm: Finished Asylum!  It was really fast paced and confusing but so good!  I'm gonna start Goodbye Rebel Blue now.

Mini Challenges:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Girl of Fire and Thorns!
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Muddy Buddy Mix!
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
This is the first year I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
It's my first Dewey's Readathon.  I'm most excited to talk with other bloggers.  I love events like these because they bring us all together.  And of course the snack...who doesn't love readathon snacks?

Favorite Book Trailer:
I haven't read this one yet, but I really want to after seeing this:

Out of all the books I've read so far in 2013
 Romance Book: Losing It by Cora Carmack  
 YA Book: The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
New Adult Book: Wait For You by Jennifer L Armentrout
Mystery Book: Asylum by Madeleine Roux (just read this today!)
Non-Fiction: The Gut and Psychology Syndrome book Idk who it's by
Sci-Fi Book: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
Fantasy: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Children’s Book: idk if this counts but I reread HP so I'll go with that bc I read it as a kid originally.
Fiction: Deity by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Main Character: Alex from Covenant Series by Jennifer L Armentrout
Author: Jennifer L Armentrout (are we seeing a pattern here? haha)
Supporting Character: Hansel from The Fault in our Stars by John Green
Cover: Splintered or Dance of Shadows or Let the Sky Fall
Character You Love To Have: ?? If that was supposed to say hate then Warner from Shatter Me
Setting: Parallel bc it was back and forth universes so good!
Story Line: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Indie Author: Every Little Piece by Kate Ashton
Funnest: How My Summer Went Up in Flames

  1. Which hour was most daunting for you? 1am I broke down and went to sleep =X
  2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? Obsidian, Anna and the French Kiss, The Fault In Our Stars, and Hopeless (I've read all of those in a day each).
  3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? Maybe do teams or something and have us compete against other teams and cheer on each other? idk.
  4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? It was my first one, but I loved the mini challenges.
  5. How many books did you read? 1 1/2
  6. What were the names of the books you read? Asylum and Goodbye, Rebel Blue
  7. Which book did you enjoy most? Goodbye, Rebel Blue
  8. Which did you enjoy least? I liked Asylum, but it wasn't what I thought it'd be.
  9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
  10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? I'll participate next time! That was fun.

What are your goals and how are they going?