
NaNoWriMo Update #1 (Day 5)

I feel so powerful!  I resisted the alluring BookTube videos and tweets that were calling out to me and actually wrote!  And not just a few words here or there.  On Sunday I was a total beast and knocked out over 5,000 words without even trying.  

Top #=  words that day
Bottom#= Total
And that calendar was a big part of my success so far.  It sounds stupid, but the OCD in me HATES seeing that 0 every day.  So I vowed to never not write ever again (if that double negative makes sense).  Usually once I start writing I can't stop.  So the push to write is all I need and then I'm off and POOF-- 5,000 words.

This calendar is literally eye level from my bed so it's the first thing I see in the morning...after my life sized poster of Daemon Black...just kidding...I wish I had one of those to wake up to every day.  Maybe I'd actually be a morning person.

But I digress...If you're struggling to feel motivated, and you happen to have OCD tendencies, you might want to try this method out.  I also decided if I ever get stuck to just put my ipod on shuffle and whatever song it lands on that's the mood of a scene I have to work on.  Sounds fun write?  Ok now I'm just getting cheesy.  Good luck guys.
Let me know how your NaNo is going.