
Weekly Event: Follow Friday (#2)

This meme is hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.  It is a 
great way to meet fellow bloggers and gain new followers.  Each participant will answer the week's F&F questions.  And each week a blogger will be Featured on the host's website. 

This week's featured blogger is Justin & Jenni from:
                     Alluring Reads                       

This week's question:

Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more?

Before I began blogging I used to only read one book at a time.  But now when I participate in blog tours I have deadlines, so I find myself reading up to three books at a time.  I make sure they are different genres though.  So for example, at one point I was reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(Adult Fiction), Charmed Thirds(Chicklit/YA), and Oppression(YA Fantasy).  I had no problem reading these three at the same time because the voices of the main characters in each book were so different.  I also usually have one ebook on the side so I can have it with me on my phone at all times.  How many books do you read at one time?

Leave comments with a link to your Follow Friday/Feature & Follow and I'll be sure to check it out!