
Weekly Event: Musing Mondays

She posts a question each Monday for bloggers who are participating in this meme and we answer them.

March 19, 2012
This week's musing asks:
I think if the book was published by an actual publishing company and the cover was terrible I would not want to read it.  They have the people with skills and materials to make great covers so there really is no excuse.  However, I have read books by self published authors that have covers they have made themselves.  I know they are not professional graphic design artists so I don't judge their covers at all.  I go by content of the summary for selfpub books.  In general though if the description really interests me I usually still add it to the bottom of my loooonnng To Read List.

Read my past Musing Monday posts here
Feel free to comment below with a link to your Musing Monday post!