
Weekly Events: Top Ten Tuesday (#4)/Teaser Tuesday (#2)

This weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the 
Bookish.  All you have to do is add a link back to the hosts page and compile your top ten list of the week.  Each week there is a new top ten list announced and bloggers post their top ten.

Top Ten All Time Favorite Characters

1. Sophie Mercer from the Hex Hall series.  She is snarky, humorous, and always has a funny comeback.  I literally laugh out loud when I read these books and it's mostly because of Sophie.

2. Jessica Darling from the Jessica Darling Series.  Much like Sophie she is cynical, full of angst, and also hilarious.  I've reread that series so many times because I can't get enough of Jessica's thoughts and dialouge.

3. Edward Cullen from Twilight.  If you've read the books you may understand (the movies make Edward look like a creepy stalker).  In the books he is adorable.  And if you have read the Midnight Sun excerpt you'd understand why he is the way he is.  Yes, I find it weird that he's 107 and likes a 17 year old.  And yes I'm aware that it's not normal to watch someone while they sleep, but somehow in the book it doesn't come across as creepy.

4. Four from Divergent.  He's mysterious, he's strong, he's sensitive.  I fell in love with Four from the beginning. I can't wait to read more about him in Insurgent.

5. Katniss from The Hunger Games.  If there was ever a character I wanted to be, this would be it.  Obviously I don't envy her situation...I'd never want to experience her world.  But I admire her strength, selflessness, and cleverness.  Basically she's one of the first popular literary characters that is doesn't rely on a man to survive.

6. Eric Northman from Sookie Stackhouse series.  I love how he has so many layers.  The first few books he seems like a power hungry jerk, but as you peel back the layers throughout the series you see the sensitive side to him.  Plus did I mention how hot he is?

7.Harry Potter & Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.  They're probably two of the best characters ever created.  

8. Hermione from Harry Potter.  She gets her own spot because she made smart look cool.  A great role model for young girls.  Enough said.  

9. Tucker from Unearthly.  I'm reading this right now, but he's just so freakin adorable.  I love the banter between him and Clara.

10. Auden & Ruby from Sarah Dessen books (Along for the Ride & Lock and Key).  They were two characters that I have read over and over again and identify with so much.    

What are your top ten characters? 

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.  Just post a few lines from whatever book you are currently reading. Try not to use spoilers though!


"I feel like Cinderella sitting in the middle of the road with a pumpkin and a couple of mice, while Prince Charming charges off to rescue some other chick."