
Weekly Event: Teaser Tuesday #6

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.  Just post a few lines from whatever book you are currently reading. Try not to use spoilers though!

Shadows Gray


{The next lady wants a skinny mocha, the next a half dozen muffins and cappuccinos for her co-workers.  Three hours go by like that, with nary an interesting customer, until finally someone familiar darkens my cash register.

“Coffee.  Black,” says Luke.  He looks as usual, like he just rolled out of bed, forgetting to shave.  On him, it seems to work.

“Can’t interest you in a toffee cream breve? My specialty?” I cajole.

“Are you kidding?  This some sort of entrapment?  You know darn well a troop of well organized macho men would jump me and demand my Man Card if I ordered something like that.  Coffee . Black.”

“Well, you don’t have to order it like you’re 007,” I retort, feeling proud of myself for knowing a pop culture reference from his own time. “Tall coffee,” I tell Penny.  She smiles at Luke and suddenly I wish I’d done something prettier with my hair, or worn something other than my tie-dye long sleeve t-shirt.  Penny is so pretty and so … perky.  I should be perky, but frankly the energy it would take to keep up that kind of perkiness would take more than a toffee cream breve.} 

What is your teaser from this week?