
Weekly Event: Top Ten (#6) & Teaser(#4) Tuesday

This weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  All you have to do is add a link back to the hosts page and compile your top ten list of the week.  Each week there is a new top ten list announced and bloggers post their top ten.

Top Ten Favorite Book Quotes

1. "So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday." -The Notebook

2. "Whether we go off to some fancy university or stay home and work.  That doesn't define us.  Our purpose on this earth is not a single event, an accomplishment we can check off a list.  There is no test.  No passing or failing.  There's only us, each moment shaping who we are, into what we will become.  So I say forget about the future.  Pay attention to the now.  This moment right now.  Let go of expectations.  Just be.  Then you are free to become something great." -Hallowed

3. "I don't believe in failure, because simply by saying you've failed, you've admitted you attempted. And anyone who attempts is not a failure. Those who truly fail in my eyes are the ones who never try at all. The ones who sit on the couch and whine and moan and wait for the world to change for them." -Keeping the Moon

4. "Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing." -To Kill a Mockingbird

5. "Hope is hugging me, holding me in its arms, wiping away my tears and telling me that today and tomorrow and two days from now I will be just fine and I'm so delirious I actually dare to believe it." -Shatter Me

6. Did you know that the average American spends six months of his or her life waiting for red lights to turn green? Six months wasted, waiting for permission to move on. Think of all the other stuff you could do with that time.”
I was totally confused. “In the car?” 
“In your life,” he said. -Sloppy Firsts

7.  “You're the one who is weak. You will never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.” -Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

8. “being afraid to take chances is scarier than actually doing things that challenge you.”  -Leaving Paradise

9.  "Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it" -Divergent

10. "A duck swam leisurely before me, without a care in the world...I thought: how utterly simple and without complication.  What made its life simple?  It needed the very same things I did physically to survive...It wanted a mate, as did I.  But perhaps what seperated us was our egos.  He didn't know what he was; only what he did in order to remain, to exist.  I on the other hand knew my surroundings, my world, my past, my world's past.  I knew so much that I could even afford to imagine, and that imagination led me to think I was special; special only because I existed.  But mere existence was not worthy of pride, or this duck would be proud too.  It was pride that made my life complicated."- I Am Me

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.  Just post a few lines from whatever book you are currently reading. Try not to use spoilers though!


{"I told you because I wanted to, not because I want you to help me change anything." I gave him a small smile.  "Besides, I can take care of myself.  Been doing it for years."

"Emerson, you just shared your deepest secret with me.  I value that.  Don't make light of it."

If he wasn't already holding my heart in the palm of his hand, I would haven taken it out and given it to him right then.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath.

I wished things could be different, too.}

-Hourglass by Myra McEntire