
Weekly Event: Top Ten Tuesday(#5)/Teaser Tuesday (#3)

This weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  All you have to do is add a link back to the hosts page and compile your top ten list of the week.  Each week there is a new top ten list announced and bloggers post their top ten.

Top Ten Books You'd Like To See Made Into A Movie

1. Unearthly- This book is pure genius in my opinion.  The plot twists and turns with surprises.  Clara is such a great main character and Tucker and Christian are so deliciously hot.  Wouldn't mind seeing Tucker played by Lucas Till.
2. Divergent- There is so much action, emotions, and surprises in this book I think it would be a great movie.  Tris and Four's relationship alone would be enough to make me want to see it.  Plus the world Veronica Roth created is so unique and I would love to see how each faction looks and what they wear.
3. Hex Hall- This would be a great romantic comedy with a splash of demon chasing.  I laughed so hard reading this book and I think if Sophie was cast right it would be just as hilarious as a movie.     
4. Under the Never Sky- Who doesn't want to watch two people fall in love in the wild?  I loved Perry and Aria and I think watching them fall for each other would make a great movie.
5. Shatter Me- I love Adam!  But I also think Warner would be fun to watch.  I wonder who they would cast as him?  This would be a good movie because the first half of the book Juliette doesn't know if she can trust Adam.  And some of the scenes between them were so in the shower.  Enough said.
6. The Perfect Manhattan- Idk why I love this book so much.  I think because it perfectly described what it is like to work in a restaurant.  The main characters love interest is hot, rich, and nice.  Sounds like a good chick flick to me.  
7. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer- This movie would be so trippy!  Especially when she's having delusions.  It was hard to tell what was real and what wasn't in the book so imagine how much harder it would be in a movie.  I loved Mara and Noah too.
8. Legend- This would be like a spy movie with a little bit of romance.  Day is such an interesting character and I feel like he would come alive on the big screen.  
9. Daughter of Smoke and Bone- I just want to see what Brimstone would look like.  Basically this book was too long for me, but if they cut some stuff out and made it a normal length movie I think it would awesome.    
10. Uglies- This world is so original.  I would love to see the hover boards, what they look like after surgery, the smokies, and the evil lady.  Supposedly this is being made into a movie, but it's taking like 3 years just to start it so I wouldn't hold your breath.

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.  Just post a few lines from whatever book you are currently reading. Try not to use spoilers though!


{Tucker springs to his feet, wiping a smear of blood off his chin, hair all disheveled, eyes blue fire.

"Come on, pretty boy," he taunts. "Show me what you've got."

"Stop!" I scream.

Christian jumps over the fractured porch railing so lightly he almost seems to float.  Next to Tucker he has a slender grace, not the muscle from roping calves and working hard every day, not the grit of being a farm boy from Wyoming, but I know that he is incredibly strong.

Tucker Swings at him, and Christian ducks away.  He lands a punch to Tucker's side that again sends him crashing back into the dirt.}

Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
Pg. 368