
Armchair BEA: Introduction Interview

Photo from: Emily's Reading Room

Thanks for stopping by Harley Bear Book Blog!  I'm so excited to be participating in Armchair BEA this year!  Let's get started...Here are my five interview questions.  

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

Hey everyone. My name is Melissa, I'm 22, and I'm a bookaholic. I've been blogging about books for three months now and love it! Surprisingly, I didn't know the book blogging world existed until after I set up a twitter account for my blog. 

A few months ago I found I had a lot more free time on my hands.  My dad suggested I start a blog about books.  I didn't think I would actually keep up with it, but ended up loving blogging almost as much as actually reading!  Now I have somewhere to talk about books with other people who are equally obsessed with books.  Makes me feel more normal when I'm swooning over my book boyfriends characters to know that others are too.

3. Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

Zumba, zumba, zumbaaaaaaa!
My two top hobbies besides reading are baking and dancing (or Zumba in particular now).  I don't bake often because I try to eat healthy (keyword try lol), but I'm the appointed baker for all family functions or holidays.  I like to get creative and try to substitute things like applesauce for oil and greek yogurt for cream to make things healthier.  

Also, I've been dancing since I was eight.  I used to do it competivly from middle school through high school (just watch the show Dance Moms).  College I was in a club for two years, but now I just stick to shakin it in Zumba.  If you're looking to lose weight by having fun and dancing you should check it out!  I lost all the 20 lbs I gained in college by doing Zumba =)   

4. What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)?

I started doing an e-newspaper every Thursday for the past few weeks. Basically, when I'm blog surfing during the week I bookmark whatever I want to share. And then I put it all together in a newspaper format and post it Thursdays. It gives other bloggers some free advertisement too.  And let's face it...who doesn't like free advertisement?

6. Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?

Some Thursdays I write posts about random things, bookish, that have been on my mind lately.  I wrote a post about how the characters in The Immortal Rules really affected and inspired me. I then tweeted Julie Kagawa about it not thinking she'd ever see it or respond.  Within the hour she had tweeted back and commented on the post on my blog. I couldn't believe it! This is why I love twitter and blogging because you can connect with authors!  I used to think authors were celebrities with such busy lives and no time for us little people, but *gasp* they're actually real people just like all of us.  I've had so many great experiences meeting and talking to authors.  I bet Robert Pattenson wouldn't tweet me back if I told him I liked his acting.

9. What is your favorite part about the book blogging community? Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?

I love that blook bloggers are a community. We talk about books yes, but we also talk about everything else. Like work, family, hobbies, and TV. I now have someone to watch The Bachelorette and So You Think You Can Dance with me. It's like a little twitter party every week!  So when Emily gives Kalon a rose or the Exorcist goes through to Vegas I have someone to freak out with lol.
Again thank you for stopping by.  Leave a comment or a link to your BEA interview questions and I'll stop by your blog.  Can't wait to meet more bloggers this week!