
Armchair BEA: Monetizing Your Blog


Day 4 Topic: Monetizing Your Blog

My dad is full of such good ideas.  A little while after he suggested starting a blog he said I should find a way to monetize it.  So I started using Adsense thinking I'd make some money on it.  I $1.50.  I can't even buy gum with that.  I ended up moving my advertisements to the bottom of the page because they had nothing to do with books and just looked annoying.  

Then I became an Amazon Affiliate.  Sounds like a good deal, but really I don't think I've made much money from that either.  

Now I'm looking into Blog Ads.  I'm hesitant to try this site for some reason.  For those of you who have used it.  Is it reliable?  Should I try it? uses it and I trust her.

I've even considered trying to run some blog tours for authors since I love working with them and I'm super organized.

I don't really need to make money off of blogging, I blog because I love it.  However, right now I'm just working part time so this could be some good extra cash.  Or even a way to support buying books to do giveaways.  I want to do giveaways so bad, but I don't have lots of spending money to do so right now.  My ultimate goal would be to find a way to make blogging a full time paid job!  Or even some freelance writing would be nice.  I'm sure those are just things we all dream about, but never actually do.

We were also supposed to share a fun fact about our blogging life today.
  Here's mine.  I've been playing around and experimenting with HTML since I was in middle school on a site called Neopets.  It's a site where you can take care of virtual pets and buy them things with fake money and they have their own website and stuff.  I used to use HTML to make my pet's website.  I fell in love with HTML and that's part of the reason I wanted to start a blog.  Now if I could just learn how to use photoshop to make a cartoon version of Harley for a header that would be great. lol You'd think that would be easier than codes.    
Any suggestions?