
{Guest Post} Blog Tour Stop: Show Biz by Ruby Preston

These past few days have been crazy.  I started a new job last week.  Then yesterday I spent the night in the hospital.  My dad thinks I'm allergic to work lol.  But really it's just a hurniated disc that's pushing on a nerve making my arm and leg numb and swell.  Or so the doctors think, but they're not sure.  So if I disappear again I'm at the doctors.  And that's why this post is late and the review will be even later.  I'm doing better now so hopefully I can blog more this week.

Now, please let me introduce Ruby Preston, the author of Showbiz!  She has kindly agreed to stop by and do a guest post so you can learn a little about her and her new book which focuses on the behind the scenes of Broadway!

From Showtunes To SHOWBIZ
By Ruby Preston

To say that my personal experiences as a Broadway producer have inspired SHOWBIZ would be the understatement of the century. In fact, it was entirely thanks to my crazy experiences - and a few clever friends who suggested over drinks one night that I put my stories down in writing - that my heroine Scarlett Savoy and this whole novel came about!

If you want my juiciest stories, you’ll have to read SHOWBIZ. But let’s just say that show business is riddled with contrasts. From rehearsals in rat infested basements to red carpets and paparazzi. From meetings where the agenda items include discussing a $10 million dollar budget followed by what kind of “look” we want for a fairy godmother in Act 2. And keep in mind that most of these meetings are populated by men in ties discussing said fairy godmothers. Can you picture it?

In these meetings, each decision can feel like it’s make or break, risky, high stakes. And yet, when you take a step back, you can’t help but smile at the subject matter. It’s a crazy business.

Despite the myriad challenges I’ve faced as a young producer, there’s no arguing the fact that I feel lucky every day to work in a business where the shows I produce can have such a vital impact on people. Theater speaks to audiences deeply and can change lives.

Many of you reading this may have been personally affected by live theater. Maybe it was the first time you saw Les Miz orPhantom or Wicked. There’s no doubt that what happens on stage transcends our daily lives. But, as you’ll learn in Showbiz, A Novel that path to Broadway may not be what you think.

I agree that broadway definitely affects us all.  My personal favorites were Rent, Chicago, and Mary Popins!  If anyone is interested in learning more about the author, her book, or if you just want to connect with her online, read below!  Thank you Ruby for stopping by today and sharing some fun experiences you've had.  I think it is so awesome that you've had experience in the show business and have decided to share it with us!  

Author Bio:
Ruby Preston is an up and coming Broadway producer currently working on several new musicals on the Great White Way. She couldn’t be more thrilled to be living her dreams in the Times Square trenches of Manhattan. Ruby loves hearing from readers and Broadway fans so feel free to drop her note via email ruby (@) rubypreston (dot) com or twitter @Broadwayruby.

Connect with Ruby!
My website:
My publisher Dress Circle Publishing: 
Twitter @BroadwayRuby

Buy the Book!
And on Barnes & Noble's Nook:
And on iTunes.