
Stacking the Shelves/Sunday Post #11

 The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Both are a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and talk about what is coming up for the week on our blog. Link up each week.  I will be doing Weekly Recap, What books I got that week, and a sneak peek of what to expect for the next week on my blog.

From the Library

When She Woke
I decided to join in a buddy read on goodreads for this book.  It is a retelling/modern story similar to The Scarlet Letter.  I think it'll be great for discussion with other readers because it touches on tough topics. 

Weekly recap

I didn't post that much last week because it was a busy week for me.  I had decided about a month ago that I wanted to pursue a career in a corporate setting rather than teaching.  It took me about a year to finally decide, but I feel really good about the decision.  I've been going on interviews.  It's scary to think you're future is going to be a certain way for years and then see your goals change over time, but I'm sure I am not the only one who has changed career paths after college.  Anyways, that is where I am in life right now so if I post less some weeks it's probably because I was trying to get stuff in the real world going.    

 Next Week

I'm feeling motivated. I made the schedule next week and it's packed with great stuff.  Hopefully I'll actually do all of it.  Anyone else over schedule stuff?  I have so many books that I've read and took notes on, but haven't actually reviewed yet so here's what to expect next week. 

Reviews to come:
*Beautiful Disaster
*Last summer (Blog Tour Stop)
*Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
*City of Bones
*Perfect Chemistry 

*Match Maker: Which characters from different books I think should meet/date
*Top Ten Tuesday/Teaser Tuesday: Romances I wish were real
*Waiting on Wednesday
*Harley Bear Post (e-newspaper)
*Feature and Follow Friday
What goodies did you get this week? 
 Leave a link and I'll stop by.