
Stacking the Shelves/Sunday Post #15

 The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Both are a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and talk about what is coming up for the week on our blog. Link up each week.  I will be doing Weekly Recap, What books I got that week, and a sneak peek of what to expect for the next week on my blog.

FROM THE LIBRARY & Barnes & Nobles

My bookshelf is now 4/5 shelves full!
666 Park Avenue
This is my third book for the 31 Days of Halloween event/readathon that I'm doing.  I also wanted to read it because the CW show just started.  Has anyone read and watched the pilot?  Is it any good? 

Anna Karenina
I saw April (@booksandwine) say on twitter that she saw the trailer for the movie that's coming out with Kiera Nightly and that she wants to reread it.  I've been wanting to read this one for awhile so I got it and April and I might cohost a read along.  Stay tuned for more info on that.

I have this in ebook form, but the problem with that is that I hate ebooks and hardly ever feel like reading them.  This is one of my favorite books so when I saw my Barnes & Noble FINALLY was carrying J.L.A. books I had to get it.  It was only $10.  Dameon is worth a lot more in my opinion lol.

Alice in Zombieland
I'll admit, I devoured this in three days last week.  I'm so excited that it's a series.  My review will be up sometime this week.


I also posted My Goals for my 31 Days of Halloween event/readathon.  I've read
2 1/2 of the books I've listed so far.  A pretty good start I think!  Last week I had a cold and it sucked.  Then yesterday my new eye dr. dilated my eyes.  I hadn't had that done since I was ten so I couldn't remember what it was like. they use that to torture people because it was the worst experience EVER!  I felt like a freakin vampire.  The sun burned my eyes!  But they're back to normal now so I've been reading a lot to make up for those five hours yesterday that all I could do was listen to my ipod and stare at the wall.  Hopefully next week is better haha.


Reviews to come:
(This is always tentative)
*Alice in Zombieland
*Sweet Evil
*666 Park Avenue

*Giveaway for 31 Days of Halloween Event
*Scary movies vs. books
*66 Park Avenue (book vs. the show)
*Teaser/Top Ten Tues
*Waiting on Wed

What goodies did you get this week? 
 Leave a link and I'll stop by.