
Bout of Books 6.0

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 7th and runs through Sunday, January 13th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 5.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. 

Here's my very ambitious list.  I'll post updates every day.
I've been planning on making a trip to B&N to get some good books, but since I've been sick I haven't left the house in three weeks except for dr.s appointments.  So I decided to use a giftcard I had online and splurge.  I got these books coming soon and I can't wait to read them (and reread The Unbecoming of Mara Deyer).  I'm excited to start off 2013 right.  And I participated in the last Bout of Books and LOVED it!  

Read all & Review at least 4
Visit at least 3 blogs a day
Participate in tweet chats #BoutOfBooks
Participate in 3 or more challenges


What I’ve read today: Opal 
Total number of books I’ve read: --
On pg _ of _: 275 of 382 
Participated in: Scientific Discovery, Twitter Party, & visited blogs
Reviews: --
Thoughts: I waited so long for this book to come out and I was so excited to finally start it!  It's a perfect mixture of snark, romance, and action.  I've only got about 100 pgs left and I hear the ending is really sad.  I'm nervous for the cliffhanger that is inevitably coming.  Can't wait to finish it tomorrow.


What I’ve read today: Opal
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
On pg _ of _: --
Participated in: Guess the Cover challenge & visited blogs
Reviews: --
Thoughts: That ending of Opal was brutal.  It was like going 100 mph and slamming into a brick wall.  AH!  I need Origin like right now.


What I’ve read today: Half-Blood
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
On pg _ of _:  177 of 281
Participated in: Pg 48 Challenge, Twitter Party, & Visited blogs
Reviews: Opal
Thoughts: Today I had to get a 4 hr test done where I drank nasty stuff and got an xray every 20 minutes.  The only reason I wasn't dreading it was because I thought I would get to read some Half-Blood while I waited.  I ended up having to walk around the whole time to make the drink digest so I didn't get to read at all there.  But since I've been home I read 177 pages so I'm kind of proud of that.  I'm really loving Half-Blood so far.  I almost love it as much as the Lux series.  Aiden is freakin adorable and Alex is so like-able.  Although this series is really reminding me a lot of Vampire Academy.  Anyone else think so?  


What I’ve read today: Half-Blood & Pure
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
On pg _ of _: 2 of 329 (Pure)
Participated in: 
Reviews: Half-Blood
Thoughts: I finally confessed just how obnoxiously obsessed with reading and blogging I am to my boyfriend and he didn't laugh at me so I think today was a success.  On the other hand, I got bad news today that I have to get this really scary test done to find out if I have Crohn's Disease.  I'm trying to stay positive though and read a lot to keep my mind off it all.  I finished Half-Blood and reviewed it.  I'm glad there wasn't a huge cliffhanger like JLA usually does.  I'm going to start Pure in a little bit.  Very excited to see what happens with Aiden!  I feel like I'm cheating on Daemon =X


What I’ve read today: Pure
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
On pg _ of _: 
Participated in: 
Thoughts: Started Pure and am loving it.  I like that for once I don't really know where the series is headed.  It's a nice surprise.


What I’ve read today
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
On pg _ of _: 
Participated in: 
Thoughts: I spent most of today in pain and then the rest of the day at the ER because I got really dehydrated from not being able to eat or drink anything for weeks.  I was kinda bummed I wasn't able to read today at all.  I started out so well with my goals, but life got in the way.  And to top it all off I missed the Twitter Party =(


What I’ve read today: Pure
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
On pg _ of _: 149 of 329
Participated in: Visited blogs
Thoughts: I'm feeling a lot better today!  But I still didn't read that much for some reason.  I am loving Pure though.  Definitely Team Aiden (already added him to my teams on the right sidebar as you can see), but he's frustrating the hell out of me!  Come on and man up and just date her already.  Stop being so noble!  And Seth is confusing me.  And Grandma Peperoni or whatever her name is is confusing me even more.  And CALEB!!! wtf.  So much is going on!  I'm sad Bout of Books is over already!


Best Friend: I laughed out loud so much while reading this book because of Sophie.  I would love to be her best friend and just make snarky jokes all day long and do magic.  She is one of the few characters I've read that felt like they could actually be a real person.  

Boyfriend: Daemon is my top book boyfriend currently.  If you've read this book and you don't agree...I'm sorry, but we can't be friends lol.  He's hilarious with his witty comebacks, gorgeous, and has super powers.  He's also protective of who he loves and loyal.  He does the whole dark mysterious thing exactly right!  If I couldn't have Daemon I'd take Pepe (The cover model) haha.  

Book: Half-Blood by J.L.A

"Aiden's eye's closed and he sighed."

My story:
Aiden's eye's closed and he sighed.
"I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you" the bitterness dripped off my tongue as I quickly removed his hand from it's new favorite location, my waist.  
"Don't pretend you're not enjoying this as much as I am," his lips so close to my ear it tickled when he whispered.  I fought the involuntary chill that swept through my body.
"I swear, when we get out of here, I'm going to..." loud obnoxious laughter cut off my words.  Aiden's wide eyes met mine. Despite the darkness in the cramped corner I could see he wasn't as confident in the plan as he pretended to be the past few hours we'd been stuck here.  The laughter was drawing closer followed by heavy footsteps on the marble floor.  This time when I felt his hand on my waist I didn't pull away, but sank back into him.  Holding our breaths as one, we waited until the shadows of the guards came into view.  Aiden tapped my hip, the signal to attack.  One, two, three.  Springing like a coil, we flew from the alley.