
Sunday Post/Stacking The Shelves #30

 The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Both are a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and talk about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

Crash And Burn
This one just sounds so unique.  It's about a guy who stops someone from shooting up a school I think.  I like the cover too.

Code Name Verity
Soooo many people have raved about this one so I've started it already.  Have you read it?

Shadow And Bone
The cover of this one made me not want to read it, but I've been told it's amazing so I'm gonna try it out.

If you haven't entered my blogaversary giveaway what are you waiting for?!  
Click the picture above to enter.

This week I devoured Wait For You in one day!  It's one of those books that I'll have to reread again soon.  Also, I'm participating in the 
hosted by Kimba!  It's not too late to sign up.  All we're doing is reading books published before March 2013 so we can get a handle on those ginormous TBR piles we all have.  There's tweeting #TakeControlRAT going on and some mini challenges!

In the non bookish world I've been slowly getting better.  I'm going to see a wellness doctor soon to see what kinds of natural ways I can help heal my body without taking any more meds than I already have to.  And today I went for a dress fitting for my Maid of Honor dress.  So life is starting to finally look up for me.  Hopefully soon I can eat more foods again.  Eating just eggs and bread is getting very boring!
*Ender's Game
*Thirteen Reasons Why

*Passion for Bookish Fashion #3: Splintered
*TTT: Books I had to buy but are still on my TBR shelf
*Random Thoughts Thursday