
Bookish Bucket List

As promised here is my list! 
Inspired by: Love at First Book and The Book Wheel 

1. Attend BEA at least once.
2. Meet up with bloggers that I talk to on twitter.
3. Go to a Sarah Dessen signing and thank her for helping me get back my love of reading.
4. Make business cards or book marks for my blog.
5. Tackle Rory Gilmore's reading list
6. Publish my WIP.
7. Read 20+ Classics.
8. Read every book on my goodreads to-read list (ya right haha)
9. Start a meme or event that other join.
10. Run a read-a-long.
11. Join and participate in group that swaps books through mail.
12. Attend as many signings as I can.
13. Help someone else discover their love for reading.
14. Visit a bookstore in every city I visit (I got Oliver Twist in London!)
15. Reread all the books on my shelf.
16. Get a job in a bookish field.
17. Host more giveaways/participate in a giveaway hop!
18. Interview one of my fav authors for my blog.
19. Move to Word Press or my own domain.
20. Learn how to make a graphic of Harley Bear or hire someone to do it.
21. Read more Non Fiction.
22. Finish all the series I started.
23. Have a library in my house with a window bench seat or nook.
24. Reread all the books I read in High School (To Kill a Mocking Bird, Catcher in the Rye, etc.)
25. Facilitate a twitter party.

What are some bookish things you want to do before you die?