
Top Ten Tuesday #23

Brokeandbookish provides a topic each week and bloggers list their top ten within that category.
April 9: Top Ten Favorite Books I Read Before I Was A Blogger 
1. I would reread all the Sarah Dessen books because I loved YA Contemporary, but I just didn't know how to find other books like hers.  This was before I was a member on goodreads.

2. Harry Potter as and still is my favorite series ever!  But I first read them way before I had a blog...or wireless internet for that matter.

3. I was a big fan of Twilight and reread this series a bunch of times as well.

4. My friend got me hooked on this series (same friend that got me hooked on Twilight).

5. My sister gave me this series and I devoured it and reread it like 100 times.  No one understood me in my awkward teen years like Jessica Darling!

6. I loved The Perfect Manhattan for some reason.  I think because it really captured what it was like to work as a waitress that I could relate to all the crazy things that happened.  It was New Adult before the NA genre even existed.  And this one doesn't have rape or tons of sex. You should really read it!

7. I really loved this series.  I read the first book because my friend happened to have it and then bought the second and reread it every summer.

8. I've read most of Nicholas Sparks books I thought I was supposed to be read Adult Fiction and I wasn't embarrassed to take out his books from the library or buy them.

9. I read all of Sophie's books before blogging.

10. I read all of Hailey's books growing up.  They were perfect for summer time.

I'm so glad I discovered goodreads and other book blogs because now my reading tastes have changed and expanded so much!

What did you read prior to blogging?
Check out my review of Crash and Burn.