
Bout Of Books 7.0: Acrostic Poem Challenge & Giveaway

How is your reading coming along so far?  If you're starting to go cross-eyed from all that reading it might be time to take a break.  And what better way to do that than the Acrostic Poem Challenge I'm hosting today!  

Remember back in elementary school when you would write your name vertically down the page then next to each letter you'd write an adjective describing yourself that starts with that letter?  Well that's the idea for today except with...wait for it...books!  Here's one I did.
I took a picture because I wanted to visually captivate you guys so you'll want to participate.  But it's not a requirement (Ain't nobody got time for dat).  Especially since most titles are not written vertically down the spine.  So if you want you can just type it out!  But pictures are always encouraged of course.

To make sure you are entered for a chance to win any $10 book of your choice from TBD please make sure you enter the rafflecopter and link your poem in the comment section!  You've got 24 hrs...ready set go!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner: Jasprit from The Reader's Den