
That Awkward Thursday #4

Hosted by Wholly Books

April 25: That awkward moment when you hate a book everyone else loves.

Three books come to mind when I heard this topic.  One will shock your socks off probably and the others maybe not so much.  

1. My Life Next Door
I don't hate this book, but it really was not my favorite at all.  The only reason I finished it was because I liked the character Jase.  But the whole time I wanted to shake the main character and put some sense into her.  She was ridiculous!  I feel like everyone I've talked to adores this book though so I always feel awkward being like...ehh it was just okay.

2. Fallen

This one everyone either loves or hates.  It was the first audio book I've ever listened to and I hated it.  The main character is pretty helpless, there's insta love, a confusing backstory of how the characters met in another lifetime or something, and just overall not my cup of tea.

3. Anna Dressed In Blood
Please don't hate me...especially you Octavia (since I know you loved this book recently).  This book just really creeped me out by the romance between the ghost and the main character.  Not sure why since I've enjoyed vampire romances before, but this just bothered me.  I haven't read much horror genre though so maybe that's why it didn't work for me.  Everyone seems to love it though.

Have you ever hated a book everyone else lovedT?