
Random Thoughts Thursday: Heroines Then and Now

     Growing up I wish there had been more characters like Katniss.  Instead I remember a lot of the Disney princesses being rescued by guys and just crying if something went wrong instead of fighting back or coming up with a solution.  Except Mulan...she kicked ass.
Exhibit A
  But apparently even Mulan isn't immune to tears.  Can someone please explain why all Disney princesses cry in the same position?   Anyways, I could always rely on books to give me the role models I yearned for when movies where just not cutting it.  Here are a few I loved.
I loved these characters...especially Samantha Parkington...she was my homegirl.  Can you think of any others I missed?    

Now my role models are a little different living in dystopian worlds and what not, but they still have the same basic characteristics of the heroines above that I love.  Here's a short video on my current favorite heroines.

Do we have any in common?
Who are your favorites?