
{Review} Every Little Piece by: Kate Ashton

Number of Pgs.: 320
Publication date: April 24, 2013
Publisher: Self-pub 
Genre: YA, Contemporary
How I got the copy: from author in exchange for an honest review
Rating:  5 Stars

From Goodreads:
Secrets never stay in the past.

The night before high school graduation changes everything. Lies are told. Mistakes are made. Secrets tucked away. Lives are changed in the span of a few hours.
A year later, Haley is still reeling, numb with the constant ache of guilt. She's in a place she never expected to be: lost without her friends and Seth. Until he enters her life again, dredging up everything she's trying to forget. Everything about that night.

Seth returns to his hometown determined to share his truth, his side of the story. He desperately needs to make things right with Haley, even if it means losing her forever. Because the truth will ruin any chance of her ever loving him again.

Except neither of them are prepared for the shock of what really happened the night before graduation.

Plot: 9/10
Characters: 8/10
Setting: 9/10
Pacing: 10/10
Style: 10/10
Cover:  This cover fits perfectly with the book.  It's hauntingly beautiful.
46+50=96 (5 Stars)

The amount of feels in this book should be illegal.  Seriously, I have never felt so many emotions all at once.  It's one of those books that should be sold with a box of tissues, hot chocolate, and a bottle of wine.  But even though the author got me to cry, which I hardly ever do while reading, I really enjoyed this book.

Right off the bat I loved the characters.  They're extremely relatable.  Reading about Haley's interactions with her friends brought back memories of my friends.  I felt like I was part of their group experiencing their last night before graduation too.  Seth is adorable, although he does get a bit emo towards the middle of the book, but regardless I fell head over heels for this character.  I enjoyed the dual POV between Haley and Seth as well.  It let us get into their minds and see both sides of the story.  Had we not seen Seth's POV I probably wouldn't have liked him as much.

This was New Adult at it's finest.  New Adult books are often labeled "issue" books.  And while there is a ginormous "issue" in this book it didn't feel like the tragedy was being pushed on the reader.  It was what drove the plot, but this story was more about character development and how the tragedy affected their lives.  It's a coming of age story and learning who you are and how to deal with life.  Any book that can get you to think deeply and ultimately teaches you a lesson is one worth reading.  In a way, it reminded me of a mixture of Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles and any Sarah Dessen book.

I only have one complaint and I can't say much without being spoilery.  There were a few unrealistic things that happened.  I think in real life the big secret would have come out the day the tragedy happened.  I was confused why Seth's parents weren't asking him questions about the night.  I was confused why the police weren't investigating things right after everything happened.  I wondered why all the characters seemed to conveniently keep their car keys in their cars and the doors unlocked.  But while these things bothered me, they didn't really change my overall reading experience.  I realize it's a book and if any of those things had happened differently the plot wouldn't have moved forward at all.

Should you read this?  YES!   You're in for a roller coaster of emotions that will leave you smiling through the tears at the end.  I read this book in two days and wish I had savored it more.  Here's an excerpt from a book blitz I took part in if you want a sample.

Brenna from Two Tall Tales: 4 Stars
Jenee from Jenee's Book Blog: 4 Stars


NOTE: I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.