
7 Deadly Sins of Reading Tag

The 7 Deadly Sins of Reading Tag was created by BookishlyMalyza on YouTube. Watch her video here.
GREED - What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?
Inexpensive would probably be the box of free ARCs I won from April of Good Books and Good Wine.  And most expensive?  I don't really buy a book over $15.  So I can't really tell.
WRATH - What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
I really like TMI so I'll say Cassandra Claire.  Because my favorite character is Simon and I won't give away anything, but he gets the short end of the stick over and over again and it makes me so angry.  Why Cassie?! Whyyyyy?!!! 
GLUTTONY - What book have you deliciously devoured over and over with no shame whatsoever?
The Lux series.  I love Daemon black and need a dose of his wit and confidence every once in awhile.  Those books are such quick reads and put me in a good mood instantly. They're a good mix of romance, action, and comedy.
SLOTH - What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
I got some books from a bargain bookstore like Wither and Halo and then kept pushing them farther down my tbr.
PRIDE - What book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?
I usually talk about Pride and Prejudice because it's the only classic I've read recently.  But I'm in the middle of Anna Karenina so I have a feeling I'll whip that out once in awhile to feel smart in the future.
LUST - What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?
If the guy in the book is not funny or have any sense of humor I won't be attracted to them at all.  Like not even a little.  Also, being kind, confident, strong yet vulnerable, and tall.  Don't ask me about the last one...doesn't make sense to me either.  And yes I did just describe Daemon Black.  Why can't he exist in real life?
ENVY - What books would you most like to receive as a gift?
YA or New Adult books of any kind would make me happy.  Who am I kidding.  I'd love any books at all.