
{Mini Reviews} Between the Devil ATDBS and Black City

I wanted to really like this one.  The cover is gorgeous and the synopsis sounds so original and just amazing.  I saved it to read in October thinking it would be perfect for Halloween.  Unfortunately it wasn't very scary at all.  I think the author was trying to go for a gothic theme with the creepy old mansion and the old clothes Violet wore, but it just didn't really work for me.  Also, the plot was kind of confusing and felt all over the place.  But I did enjoy the character Jack and even River a little.  But her best friend Summer?  I wanted to smack that girl every other page she was so annoying.  Keep your legs closed girl!

This was one that I wanted to originally give 1 star, but then I got to page 264 and it redeemed itself in my eyes.  HOWEVER.  It shouldn't take that many pages to become enjoyable so I was stuck on how to grade this.  I think the unique way she portrays vampires was so original and refreshing.  And I loved that she used shocking twist to spice things up at the end.  I think since I already won book two I'm going to continue the series, but I'm a little disappointed I spent my gift card on the first book.

What have you been reading lately?