
Guest Post {Review} Dare You To

Nikki from Fiction Freak has graciously offered to do a guest review of

Dare You To. It was disappointing and I wasn't the biggest fan. Not to say it didn’t have its good moments—it did! Just not enough to make me love it as much as I wanted. Which sucked since it got off to an absolutely GREAT start and I loved.

I had a lot of issues with this book, namely the characters. I pushed through this book though because 1) I kept hoping it would get better and 2) I really wanted to see Echo and Noah and Isaiah again. 

Now, if you ask Annabelle, she can probably send you all my reactions since I texted her all of them. And none of them were particularly…good. I alternated between hating and loving all the characters, wanting to punch someone and wanting to tackle hug them. I guess you could call them brilliantly flawed, but they seemed more moody and hypocritical to me, though they did have their moments.

So I’m going to basically talk about the characters in this review.

Main Characters
Beth, though, I liked. For the most part. Until she hurt Isaiah because I am absolutely Team Isaiah. I felt absolutely heartbroken for him and sort of wanted to punch Beth. I did sympathize with her situation though and sometimes I felt oddly protective of her. But for someone who was supposed to be closed off and cold, she started crushing on Ryan pretty early on. And hurt Isaiah. I loved Isaiah. Also, did I misread something, or did Ryan and Beth have their first kiss when they were drunk?

Ryan was irritating. He was a jerk and I wanted to punch him most of the time. Mostly for never asking enough questions when he so needed to and for being so naïve, thinking that his little dare wouldn’t hurt anyone. I was pissed at him the majority of the book, but kudos to him for being stubborn with Beth and being sweet when he needed to (most of the times.)

And they both trash talked Echo, if only in passing. I DON’T THINK SO.

Supporting Characters
Chris, Ryan’s best friend, was sort of a prick. Actually, I don’t remember much from him, except that he called Beth freaky (I sort of liked her, remember) then told Ryan that he didn’t think Beth was good for him. Even though he knew his best friend was in love with her and that his girlfriend was Beth’s BFF.

Lacey, said Beth’s BFF. She was sweet and supportive and honestly, I would’ve LOVED seeing more of her! She was by far one of the best characters in the book. And we didn’t really see much of her. But she was kickass and I loved her.

I hated Allison (Beth’s uncle’s wife. So I guess…her aunt) with a passion. She was rude, intolerable, and I had no idea what Beth’s uncle saw in her.
I did like Mark though. Yes to Mark!

What I wasn't thrilled about was that *SPOILER* every conflict just resolved itself after a trip to the hospital—almost exactly like it did in Pushing the Limits. *END*

As excited as I’d been to read Dare You To, it fell flat by a few miles. I’m definitely disappointed, but I seem to be the awkward black sheep and I was in a book slump, so that may be it! 

Thank you Nikki for visiting my blog today!  Everyone make sure you check out her blog if you haven't already.  She's pretty awesome.