
Return to Blogging

We all set goals for ourselves, but sometimes things just get in the way.

I hate that January gets dibs on starting over and making resolutions, which is why I'm being rebellious.  I’m making a big change and new goals in June.  I'm going to start blogging again. I'd promised myself I would never stop blogging or making videos, and yet, that's exactly what happened.  

If you're an old friend, then you might recognize the title of this website has changed from Harley Bear Book Blog.  I decided to change it because I had nightmares of people picturing a bear riding a motorcycle and being confused as to what the blog was about (Harley Bear is my brother's dog).  I settled for Book BFF Melissa because the YouTube channel I created with my friend is called Book BFF so now there is some consistency.  See there is a method to my madness! 

But haven’t you tried to come back to blogging a few times before?  What’s different this time?

*hangs head in shame*

There was a while where life got crazy.  I got a full time job that demanded I work afterhours.  I fell in love (no one ever told me how much of a time suck love is, not that I’m complaining).  And I started writing a novel which is way harder than I thought.  Like harder than getting my butt to the gym regularly which is HARD.

The few times I tried to get back into internet activities I failed because 1. I was trying to branch out into too many topics.  I wanted to talk about ALL THE THINGS. and  2. I was not reading as much.  How can you write a book blog if you’re not reading?  You can’t.  So I waited until I found my way back to books which happened naturally…summer has always been a time for me to fall in love with reading again.

So now that I’m focusing on one topic, reading all the time, not working as many hours, and don’t need to be attached to my boyfriend’s hip at all times I think this blogging thing can work again.

The other major change I want to make is the layout.  I started this blog following the style I’d seen other people use, but I think a magazine layout would work better.  I want to do fun quizzes like this one that I did awhile back.  I want to write discussion articles and maybe incorporate my other interests like make up and clothes.  Finally, I want to keep my reviews short and easy to skim while still keeping them in depth and meaningful.  Ain’t nobody got time for reading paragraphs these days.  Oh and occasionally a video from my channel may be posted here.

So what have you been up to while I was gone?  Let me know because I miss youuuuu!