
Weekly Event: Musing Monday

She posts a question each Monday for bloggers who are participating in this meme and we answer them.My previous Monday posts.

May 7, 2012
This week's musing asks:

If you were going to write a book, what 

would you write about? Would it be fiction,

 or nonfiction? 

I write often, but am not really close to finishing the novel I'm working on.  It's a YA/New Adult contemporary story that I started writing more for myself last summer.  I had just graduated and I was confused and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.  I figured writing usually helps me sort out my feelings so I put a character in a situation like mine and saw how she developed.  It was very therapeutic.  Here it is if you want to read it.

I also write for my goodreads group creative writing contests which you can view my stories here or here.  

I've been writing forever though.  I started when I fell "in love" for the first time.  I put that in quotes because looking back at it I'm not sure I would call it love, more like high school lust.  Anyway, during that time instead of keeping a journal I wrote my feelings in a story form.  Now, many years later, I am able to read it and smile.  I think writing about special moments in our lives is a great gift to give our future self.  

What about you?  
Any writers out there?