
ArmchairBEA: Networking...In Real Life?

Day 3 Topic: Networking...In Real Life?

This was my first and only signing and I loved it!  I was so starstruck meeting some of the most inspirational authors in YA!  I recognized some bloggers there, but was too shy to say hi so my goal for the next signing I choose to go to is to meet up with other bloggers.  Hopefully next year I'll actually make it to BEA.

Buddy Reading on Goodreads
I'm in a few groups on Goodreads, but in We <3 YA Books I found a few other people who wanted to read The Immortal Rules at the same time that I did. 

Basically we just read at our own pace, but every time we posted we put what chapter we were on so we didn't read spoilers.  It was like a very laid back book club.  

 we decided to do a review together.  Each person is taking a different section to review.  For example, I'm reviewing Plot and Eileen covered Romance and the Cover.  I'm going to put up our full review either this week or next!

Connect With Me 
I love meeting new bloggers/book lovers and chatting on twitter.  I pretty much accept any friendship on Goodreads (unless you are that creepy old guy with no books or friends who tried to friend me..sorry man that's just cray lol).  These are the two easiest ways to connect with me.     

Leave a link to your Armchair BEA post and I'll stop by!

How do you make connections/network with bookstores?