
Top Ten Tuesday #9


This weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  All you have to do is add a link back to the hosts page and compile your top ten list of the week.  Each week there is a new top ten list announced and bloggers post their top ten.

Top Ten OCD Bookish Habits

I saw Jana did this for her topic today and I think it's fun.  I want to see how many other people have similar reading habits as me.

1. I can't stop reading unless I am at the end of a chapter.
2. The books on my shelf are in height order and then by series or author.
3. I never dog ear pages.  When I get a library book that has been dog eared I hate it.  Bookmarks people!  It's not that hard lol.
4. A lot times I take notes while I read so that I know what I want to say when I write a review.  This is the only time I prefer reading on my ereader because there you can highlight the sentence and put the note right there.  
5. If I don't like the cover I usually don't want to read the book.  The only time I'll read a book with a bad cover is if other bloggers strongly suggest it.
6. There is no limit to how many times I will reread a book.  I think I've read ever Sarah Dessen book like five times or more.
7. Most of the time I have to finish a book no matter how much I don't like it.  I've only ever put down two books Wuthering Heights and Where it Began.
8. After I'm done reading I usually skim the acknowledgments and read the author bio.  Sometimes I go to the author's website too.
9. Sometimes I have to cover the bottom of a page (near the end of a chapter usually) because I tend to look down and ruin the surprise.
10. I won't buy a book or take on out of the library without checking goodreads rating and reviews first.
 What Top Ten topic did you pick?
Also today Don't You Wish is released!  I think it's  a great book to take to the beach.  Read my review here.