
Waiting on Wednesday #7

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill from  
It is a way for us book bloggers to feature which books we are eagerly anticipating!
Dance of Shadows 

Goodreads Summary:
Vanessa Adler isn’t so sure she really belongs at the School of American Ballet. But dance runs in her family. It’s been a part of her life for as long as she can remember. Her grandmother and mother were prima ballerinas, and her older sister Margaret was, too. That is, until Margaret mysteriously disappeared from school three years ago. Vanessa is heir to the family’s gift and the only person who can fulfill her sister’s destiny. She has no choice.
But she never could have guessed how dangerous the school is. The infamous choreographer, Josef, isn’t just ruthless with his pupils, he guards a sinister secret, one in which the school’s dancers—prized for their beauty, grace, and discipline—become pawns in a world of dark, deadly demons.

Release date:  December 24, 2012

Why I am excited:  Ballet and mystery?  What more could you want?  I'm so excited for this one because most ballet books are just about girls finding life in a company hard, but this one sounds like the dark swan.  It sounds ominous and creepy.  And you all know by now that I'm a cover whore.  Look at that beautiful cover!  I love the red on the gray and the rose petals making up the tutu.  It's just gorgeous.  The only thing I'm not sure about is the "from the creators of Lauren Kate's Fallen".  Wasn't the creator of Fallen Lauren Kate?  I'm confused.  Also, I didn't really like the Fallen series so I hope this author is different. Oh well.  Guess we'll find out in a few months.

 What do you think? What are you waiting on this Wednesday?