
Weekly Event: Musing Mondays (#3)

This picture was taken last year at the Today show in NYC.  My fellow sisters of Alpha Xi Delta and I had gotten up at 4 am to drive to the city and spread Autism Awareness. (I'm to the left of the girl holding the sign of the the Today logo).  

April 2 is Autism Awareness Day.  Help spread the word so the millions affected by Autism can find hope in research of the causes, types of prevention, and a cure.  

Now for my regular Monday post:
She posts a question each Monday for bloggers who are participating in this meme and we answer them.My previous Monday posts

April 2, 2012
This week's musing asks:
Do you belong to any book clubs- face to face or online? 
 If so, how long have you been with the group(s). 
I have been a member of for a few months now.  I joined two groups there and have been an active member ever since.  Each month both groups pick a Book of the Month for us to read and discuss.  The one group has a Theme of the Month (April is Angels and Demons).  I absolutely love it.  We participate when we have time and we never meet in person so there's no hassle scheduling time to meet.  Everyone is enthusiastic about books and we always have lots to talk about.  We even have creative writing competitions, games, and non book related chats.  If you don't belong to goodreads yet you should check it out.

Are you in any book clubs?  If you are in a face to face club how did you find it?