
Harley's Hall of Bookish Fame #3: Alice in Readerland

Alice from Alice in Readerland!

Are you doing any reading challenges/read-a-thons this year?
In February I presented Fairy Tale February where I spent the whole month reading and reviewing fairy tale retellings, putting a fairy tale twist on memes, and having guest posts on fairy tales. I had a lot of fun!
That sounds like a lot of fun! I saw this at the end of Feb. Maybe I'll participate next time!

What are your blogging habits?
My blogging habits could probably be summed up by saying ‘Last minute Blogger.’ I tend to procrastinate writing the posts until the last minute.
I've  started scheduling mine, but before two weeks ago I was a LMB too!

How did you come up with your blog name?
Well, my name’s Alice and I adore Alice in Wonderland, so the name Alice in Readerland just seemed like the perfect fit.
What is your favorite post you've ever done?
A bit ago I wrote a discussion post on a bookish pet peeve that was really bugging me.  I was so happy that my first discussion post had a great reception; I had a great time hearing everyone’s opinions on topics and their pet peeves in the comments!
Great discussion topic.  We've all got bookish pet peeves I'm sure.

What books have you read, but not reviewed yet?
Three books I’ve read and am excited to review are These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner,Unremembered by Jessica Brody, and How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski.

What do you do when you're not blogging?
I take voice lessons, so if I’m not writing in my free time, I’m usually rehearsing classical songs/opera songs/show tunes. 
I'm so jealous. I wish I could sing!

Name one book on your wish list.
I really want to read This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales; I’m so excited for it to come out!
What TV shows do you watch?
Leverage, Monk, Doctor Who, and PBS musical specials (such as the Les Misérables 25th anniversary concert).
Monk is awesome! I Love his OCDness...

What is your current favorite book cover?
My favorite book cover is the new cover design for Fahrenheit 451! The ‘1’ on the cover is a match, and the spine of the cover is printed to look like the striking paper of a matchbox! I featured it on my blog here:
What is your favorite color?
I love the color blue.

-paperback or ebook?
ebook, unless if the book has a fantastic cover!
-dog ear or bookmark?
Bookmark! Always bookmark.
-series or stand-alone?
Well, a lot of my favorite books are the first in a series, though they can stand-alone…but let’s just go with stand-alone.
-sandals or heels?
Definitely heels!
-coffee or tea
I like my coffee in the morning and tea in the evening!

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