
That Awkward Thursday #2

Hosted by Wholly Books

April 4: That awkward moment you realize the guy you ship has no chance of getting the girl

This topic could not have come at a better time.  Ashley how did you know this has been plaguing me this past week?!  I've been reading book 3 of:

And for the past three books I have been hard core crushing on nerdy Simon.  How can you not?  I wish I could ask Clary this because she could have him in a heartbeat, but she chooses to lust over someone else.  Whatever Clary, I'll keep Simon to myself then.  

But this bothers me so much, and not just in this book.  There's a great male character that the MC just overlooks.  And we route for that guy sometimes for a whole series and NOTHING EVER HAPPENS!  Usually the MC ends up with the "bad boy" heart throb, gets their heart broken, then goes back to them.  When they could have been happy with the nice boy/best friend the whole time.  It's very frustrating...realistic, but frustrating nonetheless. 

Have you ever felt this way?

(p.s. I just found out at #TeaTime yesterday that ship is short for relationship in the bookish if you ship someone you have a crush on them).