
{Review} Losing It by Cora Carmack

Number of Pgs.: 204
Publication date: October 15, 2012
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance
How I got the copy: library
Rating:  4 Stars
From Goodreads:


Bliss Edwards is about to graduate from college and still has hers. Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, she decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible-- a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if that weren't embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor. She'd left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.
Plot: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Setting: 6/10
Pacing: 6/10
Style: 6/10
Cover:  This
34+50=84 (4 Stars)

     This book made me laugh and smile so much which I was not expecting at all.  And the best part about it?  There was no tough issue like abuse as there seems to be in every other New Adult book I've read so far.  The whole-losing her virginity thing- wasn't even brought up that much.  The author focuses more on the development of the relationship between Bliss and Garrick.  And there's even a little love triangle thrown in there at one point to spice things up a bit.
     Bliss reminded me of a Sophie Kinsella character.  She's constantly doing something embarrassing in front of Garrick and it was hilarious!  I could totally relate to her being uptight and wanting everything in life to be organized and perfect.  I also liked that she was in school for acting.  I had never read a book with a character like this and it was fun to see behind the scenes of how plays are made.
     Garrick is British.  That's all you need to know.  But seriously, he was so swoon worthy.  While there was some insta-love it wasn't as bad as say...Twilight.  It was more like they met and fell for each other and then as their relationship developed they grew to love each other.  And I appreciated that because it felt more real than some of the other NA books I'd read.
     If you're a fan of Sophie Kinsella, New Adult books, or are just looking for something funny and light you should really go add this to goodreads right now.

“Are you waiting for an invitation?” I asked, eyeing him standing carefully outside my door. “Is this the part where you tell me you’re a vampire?” He chuckled. “No, I promise the paleness is only because I’m British.” 
― Cora CarmackLosing It

“Oh, I burned it with my straightener.” “You burned your leg with your straightener? How long is your leg hair?” 
― Cora CarmackLosing It

“How can people decide who they want to spend the rest of their life with at this age? I can’t even decide what to have for dinner! I can’t decide if I want to be an actor, even though I’ve already got 35,000 dollars in student loans telling me I sure as hell better want to be an
― Cora CarmackLosing It