
NaNoWriMo and Warm Up!

When most people think of November they picture pilgrams and turkeys.  But not us nerds.  Nope.  We think of 50,000 words.  I'm proud to say I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month this year to complete a manuscript in 30 days.  

If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is don't worry.  I hadn't heard about it until last year, but basically it's this genius idea someone invented to get writers who procrastinate (like me) to actually complete a novel.  Everyone motivates each other to write 1,667 words a day.  And by November 30th you've got a book.

Now, I kinda want a book longer than 50,000 words because I have a lot to say (I've got a plot within a plot sorta).  So when I found NaNoWarmUp I did a little happy dance.
I'll be able to get a good chunk of my novel done before the big event even starts!  A little appetizer if you will.  Plus I already had a brainstorming session with my cousin so I've got my plot, setting, and characters all mapped out already for the most part.

Thinking of joining in the fun?  You should!  My username is Harley Bear Books if you wanna be buddies and cheer each other on.  I'll be posting updates occasionally on my blog.  I've also found tons of resources and inspiration that you can find here:

-Veronica Roth tells us to Never Look Back
-Character Analysis Form will help you decide everything from your character's physical appearance to their opinion on Miley Cyrus's new look.
-How to ensure you'll finish your novel
-Scott Westerfeld's month of advice and tips
-Really good advice (especially #2!)

Good luck!