
Top Ten Tuesday #31

Hosted by: Jamie from Broke and the Bookish

This Week's List:
August 13: Top Ten Books I Was Forced 
(or encouraged) To Read:

1. Golden was chosen as our Book BFF book of the month one time and even though I didn't want to read it at first, I ended up loving it!
2. Angela told me to read Shark Bait and I'm so glad I listened to her!
3. My big in the sorority gave me the first Sookie Stackhouse book and got me hooked on that series and tv show.
4. Melina raved about Monument 14 so I decided to read it because I had book 2 already that I'd won from a giveaway.

5. Linsday and Melina were saying they loved ATU so I picked it up for a readathon.
6. Rie recommended Goodbye, Rebel Blue (I'm currently reading it and LOVE it!)
7. Val from Stuck in Books highly recommended Obsidian or any JLA book for that matter.  I'm forever grateful for her.
8. My little cousin kept pressuring me to read The Hunger Games and I'm soooo glad she did because it's what got me into Dystopians.
9. My TWSS pick from Rie one month was The Vespertine and it was a great book to introduce me to Historical Fiction.
10. My big sister in the sorority gave me Twilight one year and got me hooked on reading again.

Most of my experiences with being encouraged to read a book have been positive.  Has that been the case for you?

What are your picks?