
{Review} Beautiful Bombshell (Audiobook)

Publication date: September 3, 2013
Publisher: Christina Lauren
How I got the copy: Received from publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Rating:  4 out of 5 Stars
From Goodreads:
The gentlemen from Beautiful BastardBeautiful Stranger, and Beautiful Player are out for a wild night on The Strip.When Max, Henry, and Will steal Bennett away for a weekend of shenanigans and strippers in Vegas, the first stop of the night doesn’t go at all as planned. With their scheme for a Guys Weekend completely derailed anyway, Max and Bennett begin to play a wild game of stealth and secrecy in order to have their bombshells all over Sin City.
First, I need to apologize.  I received this audiobook a month or two ago right around the time I got a new job so I wasn't able to listen to audiobooks anymore.  So thank you to S&S Audio and sorry it took me so long!

As most of my followers know, I don't do Adult Fiction.  It just doesn't appeal to me usually.  So when I find an adult series that I like I'm so excited.  The Beautiful Bastard series is one of those few that has gotten my attention.  I love that they are companion novels so all the characters and plot lines are so different.  And yet when you get a novella like this you get to experience all the characters together.  I  don't usually care about novellas so I was pleasantly surprised when I liked this one.  It's like when you find a twenty dollar bill in your jeans when doing laundry.  You weren't expecting it, but it was a nice surprise.

I think what made me enjoy this novella the most was the format.  The two guys who read this book on the audiobook are exactly what I would expect the characters to sound like.  Their voices are easy on the ears if you know what I mean.

Basically this book was just a fun little appetizer for Beautiful Player.  I enjoyed the adventures they went on during the bachelor party and I was left wanting book three asap.  If you haven't started this series yet and you like books like Bared To You you should try this.