
Sunday Post #45

 The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Both are a chance to share what books you got this week, what happened on your blog last week, and what is to come next week.
I took a mini hiatus from blogging, but I'm back!  I've been posting videos on my BookTube channel regularly though because videos are actually quicker for me to do lately and if I'm being honest they're more fun.  Here's my latest haul (from ALA)!

Here's my BookTube channel: BookBFFs if you want to see the videos I posted this week.
I already wrote a review of Defy by Sara B. Larson and a Ignite Me discussion so those will be up this week.  Sorry I've been gone for so long!

What did you get this week?