
September 2013 Wrap Up

These wrap up posts are inspired by Katie's Book Blog and Perpetual Page Turner

Picture from September
Huge sandcastle!

7 Deadly Sins of Reading
Weird Bookish Habits
P&P: Society's Pressure To Wed (Then and Now)
BookTube vs. Blogging

Losing Hope (5 stars)
Reboot (4 stars)
Winger (4 stars)
The Vespertine (4 stars)
Dead Ends  (3 stars)

Books Read But Not Reviewed:
Let the Sky Fall
Me Earl, and the Dying Girl
Black City

What happened this month?

1. My friend had her baby!
2. My sister's best friend's baby shower.
3. Went to an Italian American Festival.
4. Went to a used bookstore that was amazing.
5. My big's bachelorette party in Philly.

Seriously Series Update:
 I started a few more series.  What's wrong with me!  But I don't think I'm going to continue the Let the Sky Fall series.  It lost my interest and had no real cliffhanger to make me want to pick up book 2.  I'm considering continuing the Vespertine series, but not sure yet.

Favorite quote from a book I read in June? 
Winger by: Andrew Smith
"Joey told me nothing ever goes back exactly the way it was, that things expand and contract--like breathing, but you could never fill your lungs with the same air twice." -Winger