
Stacking the Shelves & Sunday Post #44

 The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by  Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Both are a chance to share what books you got this week, what happened on your blog last week, and what is to come next week.
Yesterday I went to a signing for my favorite author of all time.  You guys, I fangirled so hard it was a tad ridiculous.  But it was only my second signing ever and it was Jennifer freaking Armentrout.  So what was a girl to do?
I bought and got Frigid signed.

I also bought Sentinel and Jen drew a fun picture on the inside and signed it.  I'll be giving that away soon to one lucky follower.

And then Spencer Hill Press gave me Stalked By Death and Whisper Falls for bringing a friend and asking a question.  So thank you!  That publishing company is always so nice and awesome.  You guys should check them out.

I'll be doing a post about the whole experience with the signing/release party soon.  And there will be giveaways involved in that post so keep an eye out for that.  

Sentinel reaction (no spoilers)-using Supernatural Gifs
Mini Reviews: Between the Devil ATDBS and Black City

So NaNoWriMo, and work have been taking over my life.  I've been having fun doing lots of gif posts recently, but that's mainly because they're easy to bust out quickly.  But now that my life's slowing down a little I hope I can get some more reviews up and stuff.   
-JLA signing and giveaway
-Ender's Game movie review
What did you get this week?