
Weekly Roundup: We're Back and DNF Reaction Video

I haven't decided if I'm going to try book blogging again,  but I will be posting my videos here every weekend as a kind of weekly newsletter for anyone who doesn't want to miss our videos.  I know I tend to miss out on content because my newsfeed on YouTube is always overflowing.

Liveshow and Giveaways Announcements!

It's been awhile, but I'm excited to share a fun event coming up.  Lindsay and I will be doing a liveshow this Friday April 18th at 6pm EST.  There will be two giveaways!  Find out more info on how to win and who our 2 guests will be in this video:

The link to the liveshow will be on our channel Friday.  Or you can look out for a tweet from us @BookBFFs.  Hope to see you there!

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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Melissa has read 5 books toward her goal of 100 books.

2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Melissa has read 0 books toward her goal of 100 books.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Melissa has read 16 books toward her goal of 50 books.

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