I've read a few posts that made want to do a discussion post like this. Katie talks about how weird names frustrate her . ...
Hi, I'm Melissa, a 20 something who reads like Rory Gilmore and shops like Lorelai. If you know what I'm referencing let's be best friends. If not let's still be friends and chat about books! Click here to learn more about me
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 2
12:00 AM
DAY 2:
My bedtime reading ritual has gotten all discombobled this past six months because I have been sick and sleeping on the couch. Since I haven't been working I stay up reading until 12-2am and then sleep in or take naps during the day. So my ritual is all out of whack.
Six months ago I'd come home from work, go to Zumba, eat dinner, shower, watch my tv shows, and read for an hour, then pass out. But lately I've been reading for like 2-3 hours before I finally go to sleep. This is why I've read 64 books already this year!
I'm also a night person. In college I'd write all my papers from like 9pm-2am. That's just when I'm most awake. Maybe I'm secretly a vampire! Then I could date Eric from True Blood and all would be right with the world. Anyways, my point is, if I start a good book before bed I am likely to read way past the time I allotted because I'm rarely ever tired when I lay down to sleep in the first place.