Summer Solstice 24 HR Readthon: June 21, 2013
12:00 AM
Created by: Rie of Mission To Read
Cohosted by: Melissa of Harley Bear Book Blog, Lindsay of The Novel Life, Kathrin of StackedNPainted, Angela of and Melina of The Pretty Nifty YA Reader.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. And you know what that means...

So no matter where you are on the planet we want you to celebrate the first day of summer with us in a 24 hr read-a-thon! Just think of all those summer reads you've been waiting to start!

1. Create a sign up post on your site saying that you're planning to join in the read-a-thon on the 21st. You can post a goal list of books you want to read that day, but it's not mandatory. Include the read-a-thon button and this blurb:
Summer Solstice Read-a-thon is a 24 hr event taking place on the longest day of the year...June 21, 2013. It was created by Rie @ Mission To Read and is cohosted by Melissa of Harley Bear Book Blog, Lindsay of The Novel Life, Kathrin of StackedNPainted, and Melina of The Pretty Nifty YA Reader. The goal of this read-a-thon is to take advantage of all the extra daylight and read as much as you can! Mini challenges and a giveaway will be happening this day so make sure to check out any of the host's blog's the day of for more information. Don't forget to chat with us at the twitter party 12pm CST #SSRead.
2. Add the link to your sign up post in the linky below.
3. Check back to any of the host's blogs on the 21st for mini challenges and a chance to win a giveaway!
4. Read till the sun goes down